Have you ever heard of Thrive Market?! For those of us that don’t have a Whole Foods/Trader Joe’s/Sprouts super close by, this service can be very beneficial! There are SO many amazing products on this website that you could spend forever looking through but I always get free shipping, bonus products, deals and I love that everything arrives on my doorstep. I’ve been using Thrive Market for over a year now and have a few staple items that I like to order consistently in addition to a few new finds over the last year.

Thrive Market

For the most part, when I’m helping someone with their health & wellness journey I want to help them CUT costs. I often refer to keeping it incredibly simple when it comes to purchasing groceries. I take it to the MOST simple form and even suggest only having a quality cooking fat (ghee/coconut oil/avocado oil), quality salt, and pepper for making foods delicious. MANY yummy meals can be made just with these things to season your meat & veggies! BUT for those that are budget conscious AND looking for ways to substitute less than ideal snacks/condiments/food items, check this service out!

This blog would be way too long if I actually made it about ALL of my favorite things from ThriveMarket so I’m going to share 10 of them that I have consistently ordered from here. For anyone that doesn’t want to do a Thrive Market trial using my code for 25% off, I am going to also post links to these products from Amazon below!

Get an extra 25% OFF your first order + a 30 day free trial membership when you sign up at Thrive Market! (Valid on orders $49+, max $20 discount)

  1. Coconut Aminos – There are three different brands to choose from with Thrive Market and all three are awesome. I use this condiment to replace soy sauce and sugar in a lot of asian recipes. Since I search out mostly Paleo/Whole30 style recipes, this is a staple ingredient in almost every meal I make. It is soy and gluten free plus it’s packed with minerals, vitamin C and B vitamins.

2. Wild Sardines in Water – I see you with your judgy eyes and grossed out face right now. Stop that! Haha! These babies are nutrient DENSE, yall! We’re talking Omega-3’s, B-12, Calcium, Magnesium, Iron, Protein, and lots of Vitamin D! Now let’s be clear here, we eat a lot of fish in our house. Our kids tastes are shaped starting all the way back in the womb. So if you or your children don’t like fish at all, this may not be for you. But if you get down on some Tuna, I recommend this so much! It’s also easy to carry in your purse to toss on a bed of greens with an avocado, fresh lemon, salt and pepper for a quick lunch! Wild Planet is a favorite brand of mine because of their mercury testing and quality of the fish they use!

3. Schmidt’s Deodorant – I switched to toxic/aluminum free deodarant over 4 years ago. For quite some time I just made my own batch and applied with my fingers thanks to a recipe from my good friend, Sarah Pruitt. But I also wanted to find a brand that I could trust for myself and Schmidt’s has been that for me. I’ve tried just about every scent they have and the best price I’ve noticed has been on Thrive Market. I’m not sensitive to baking soda in my deodorant but if you are, this won’t be the choice for you.
*Here’s the recipe for the homemade version if you like!
6-8T Coconut Oil
1/4 cup Baking Soda
1/4 cup Arrowroot Powder
-Optional to add in essential oils
Mix together with hands and keep in a container. Apply with fingers

4. Unsweetened Ketchup – I’m always looking to cut sugar out of any area I can because we get WAY too much on a daily basis as a country overall. Ketchup is an unnecessary place for added sugars in a meal if you ask me. I also buy other Organic Ketchup from Thrive Market but this Primal Kitchens version is my absolute favorite. Luke and I enjoyed TesseMae’s brand of refined sugar free ketchup but the rest of the family didn’t. THIS version here, nobody could tell the difference! Of course, also best price has been on Thrive Market.

5. Four Sigmatic Coffee – I should just say “Four Sigmatic Products” because I do also buy their Matcha, Straight Lion’s Mane and Coffee with Cordyceps as well. I wouldn’t classify myself as a “Coffee Drinker” because I don’t drink it daily. In fact, I went from sugary Starbucks coffees to only drinking AdvoCare’s Spark in 2010. I didn’t entertain the idea of drinking coffee at all until just recently. For me, as you may already know, I’m not down with dessert in a cup on a daily basis. Spiking my blood sugar and causing brain fog via junky creamers & syrups just isn’t my jam. If I was going to drink coffee, I wanted to train myself to drink it black. So that’s what I did. I learned Cold Brew is my favorite because it’s less acidic and doesn’t make my stomach hurt. But I also learned that Four Sigmatic Mushroom Coffee has all the same benefits with added bonus of brain boosting nootrophic mushrooms AND only 50g of Caffeine per serving. Woot! I like my coffee with simple Cinnamon, Coconut Oil & Collagen (see Thrive Market fave #6) but before that, I also would buy NutPods from Thrive Market as a creamer. Highly recommend!!

6. Multi Collagen Protein – Best price for this Ancient Nutrition Collagen from Dr. Axe is on Thrive Market plus there’s 15% cash back on the deal as well. With this specific collagen protein you get the benefits of all types in one canister. This thing lasts me quite some time. We all know there are SO many benefits to collagen, click here to read more. This one is tasteless and can go into any beverage, especially your morning cup of joe!

7. 4th & Heart Ghee – Price always varies on my favorite brand of Ghee, depending where you go, but it never fails that this is my favorite brand. Ghee is exactly what the label says, clarified butter. This means that it is quality butter that’s been boiled down where the milk solids are removed. Some that are lactose intolerant can happily enjoy ghee whereas they cannot enjoy butter. I love this brand also because “Grass-Fed” and as we all know, that DOES matter. Quality matters, friends. Jeff adds this to his bulletproof coffee when he has one and especially enjoys the Madagascar Vanilla version. One other favorite thing about ghee is that it can withstand higher heat cooking without burning so cheers to that!

8. Primal Palate Seasonings – Forever and always I LOVE Primal Palate. Every single seasoning has been amazing. If I had to pick my Top 3 Faves that I buy A LOT, it would be Pumpkin Pie Spice, Curry Powder and Meat & Potatoes. All of which I need to re-order because I’m out. These spices are clean, organic and tasty! Their prices on Thrive Market are awesome, of course!

9. Baking Powder – This seems like a silly one but this bag is inexpensive (only $2.49 at Thrive Market) and lasts me a LONG time. Aluminum and Corn Free Baking Powder is hard to find, y’all! This one is great.

10. Nuts & Seeds – Last, but certainly not least, I like to buy nuts and seeds from Thrive Market. They always have great deals and regular prices on these. Adding in extra nutrients to my salads, tuna/chicken salad, smoothies, etc. with these is effortless but essential. It’s just great to keep these on hand and use whenever you can!

OKAY! There’s my Top 10…. although I really could keep going because I didn’t even get to mention my Thayer’s Witch Hazel, Kids Snacks, ALL the Simple Mills products and other fun finds. Head to my Instagram, though, because I share a LOT of this stuff on the daily over there. I’m going to link all of these products to Amazon in this post as well! As a Disclaimer – I do get small compensation from Amazon and Thrive Market when you order through my links but at NO extra cost to you! I don’t share things that I don’t genuinely use or believe in so there’s that!

I hope you’ve enjoyed this post! Check out the products linked below or please click one of the Thrive Market links in this post to save 25% off your first order! I’d love to see what you find and love on there. It is JAM PACKED with good stuff!!!

  1. Coconut Aminos
  2. Wild Sardines in Water
  3. Schmidt’s Deodarant
  4. Primal Kitchen’s Ketchup
  5. Four Sigmatic Mushroom Coffee
  6. Ancient Nutrition Multi Collagen
  7. 4th & Heart Ghee
  8. Primal Palate Seasonings
  9. Aluminum & Corn Free Baking Powder
  10. Nutiva Hemp Seeds

Get an extra 25% OFF your first order + a 30 day free trial membership when you sign up at Thrive Market! (Valid on orders $49+, max $20 discount)T